Friday, February 6, 2009

We're on the LAST step...

I can't believe we're so close to bringing Amelia home!!!!!!!! After getting pictures of Amelia yesterday without even asking for them, I was feeling lucky. So, I decided to test my luck today. I was able to confirm via the Embassy in Washington DC that our last batch of paperwork (P3) was sent from the US Embassy in Seoul, to the Korean adoption agency on February 6. That's today!!!

There are a million rumors flying around right now regarding the Korean Government and their backlog related to adoption cases. Under normal circumstances, we could be just a week away from receiving 'THE CALL'. But, if there is any truth to these rumors, it could be a bit longer. The issue is something called the Emigration Permit or EP. This is essentially Amelia's passport out of Korea and the Korean government has been very slow in issuing them. She needs this 'passport' before her American visa can be issued. Here's the tricky part....we will NEVER find out when her Emigration Permit is issued. My adoption agency isn't even privy to this information and there is no way for me to track this. So, although the last of the paperwork has been dealt with, things can't be wrapped up until her EP is issued. I am hoping, hoping, hoping, and hoping some more that if her EP hasn't been issued yet, that it will be very, very, very shortly. I need to trust what my agency told the time it comes to wrap things up in our case, the backlog should be a thing of the past.