Sunday, March 29, 2009

Safe and Sound in Seoul

We're here safe and sound, completely exhausted, but we're here! We had uneventful flights without any delays which was great and landed in Seoul about 4:00 on Sunday afternoon to sun and warm (48 is warm by our standards!) weather. After the 90 minute commute to our hotel, we checked in, did a bit of unpacking, then headed out to grab some dinner. Being that we've been up for longer than 24 straight hours now, I'm not sure how we're even functioning. I'm thinking the adrenaline is what's keeping us going. Right now, it's about 9 pm on Sunday night which means in just 13 hours we'll be holding our girl!!! Check back, for pictures of Amelia! Good Night!

Waiting to board in Chicago

The nice employee on the right gave us exit row seats! When you have to sit for 15 hours, every extra inch of leg room counts! :)

I have a picture of the plane we rode on to pick up Graham, so I figured we should have a picture for Amelia too.

lunch...Korean Air style

We made it!

Dinner in Seoul. I have to be honest-the noodles and I had a battle. I have trouble with chopsticks to begin with, so to try and eat slippery noodles with metal sticks, was quite the challenge. I finally gave up since I was embarrassed and convinced the other diners were watching me make a fool of myself.

This, I can handle! Hot Chocolate from Starbucks after the noodle battle.


Kelly Good said...

I'm so happy you arrived safely! And to think you're just a matter of miles from your sweet little girl!!! I can't wait to see pictures- I hope you're able to get some rest tonight! Sweet dreams of Amelia who you'll hold in just hours!!! =)

tshg said...

Yay! You guys made it! We are very anxious to see pictures of you with your princess!

We will toast in your honor at 8:00 tonight!

Scott, Tiff, & Liv

Unknown said...

I am so excited for the two of you to finally meet Amelia!! Glad to hear your travels have gone smoothly - can't wait to see the first photos.
