In the interest of being caught up by Christmas, here are a bunch of random photo's. Enjoy! :)
The visit to Santa didn't start out very well. In case you can't tell, Amelia had a death grip on her Daddy. Then, because Santa is smart like that, he offered Miss Amelia a candy cane and everything changed in an instant....
In this case, a little bribery went a LOOONG way!
On our way to Grandma's annual Holiday Tea
Amelia doesn't go anywhere without her spunky shades
A spur of the moment puppet show staring "Graham and Amelia Puppets" lead to some very happy kids
Apparently, the puppets are very funny!
The puppet show encore
This giant brown box provided some serious entertainment! It was turned into everything from a McDonald's drive-thru to a rocket ship to the Great Sphinx (if you're confused about this one, I understand, I was too! But, Graham was insistent, so I went with it.)
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