Thursday, May 20, 2010

Amelia's "Graduation"

Today was Amelia's last day of school for the year. She "graduated" from the 1 year old class and although she didn't wear a hat, she proudly carried her blue diploma up and down the stairs! Daddy Jeff and Grandma were Amelia's guests and she was thrilled to have them there. They both had to duck out a little early, and they don't know this yet, but when Amelia realized they were gone, she stood at the classroom door, and looked out the window calling for them! The group of Mom's in Amelia's class are a lot of fun, and I've really enjoyed getting to know them this year. They made today a party, in every sense of the work-pizza and cake galore! It was such a fun way to celebrate how far these kids have come this year.

At the start of the year, Amelia was very timid and hesitant. She clung to my hand for dear life, wouldn't eat her snack because I wouldn't sit at the kiddie table with her, and preferred to sit on my lap in the adult room rather than play with the toys. Today, she marched confidently around the room and was last one to leave the snack table. She has really grown to love her her teacher Ms. Kim and gave her a big hug and kiss (something reserved for a very select few!). Ms. Kim then hugged me and told me repeatedly that she'd love to have me back in class. She only teaches the 1 year old class so for me to have her again, there has to be another baby...I just smiled. Walking over the graduation bridge

Apple juice and pizza celebration lunch

Graduation cake for dessert!

This is a true indicator of how far Amelia has come this year. We all went out to the playground after lunch. Since we had to go through the parking lot Ms. Kim told all the kids that they had to find a grown-up hand to hold. I stuck out my hand towards Amelia and Amelia looked at me and said "No thank-you... Kim!". And with that, she turned around and found her teacher!