Friday, April 9, 2010

Picnic at the Park

We met Auntie Lynn and Miles for a picnic lunch today. The weather has been cold and rainy this week, so the sunny skies today were the perfect reason to head outdoors. It's so much fun to watch these three kids play together. Graham and Miles love the dirt and Amelia likes to cautiously observe. She won't even touch her sand pail and shovel if the tiniest speck of dirt is present. I can't wait to see them up at the lake this summer-they're going to have a ball and I'm certain their parents and grandparents will have just as much fun watching!

I think Miles wanted to get on top with Graham...

Climbing the stairs...

The boys in the dirt

Happy to be in a swing and not sitting in the dirt

After lunch we walked out to the dock. We couldn't trust these two to not go over the edge, so contained in the stroller they sat.

Graham LOVES fishing and anything to do with the outdoors. He tells me all the time that his favorite place is the lake house because he "gets to fish with Grandpa". Here is Graham practicing his "fishing skills" with a stick and a weed....

Desperately trying to catch a big weed!


Kris Greer said...

I love these three cuties so much!