Thursday, March 25, 2010

One year ago...

One year ago today, we were celebrating, we were crying, we were relieved, we were thrilled, and we were shocked, but most of all, we were beyond excited...all because of one early morning phone call letting us know that it was finally time to bring Amelia home.

The adoption process has highs and lows like I never imagined. The lows are very low and the highs are so unimaginably high, that I can think of nothing else in life I've experienced to compare it to. It's an amazingly emotional journey that truly is a gift. Now, a year later, I can look back on the painful wait to bring Amelia home, and I realize that those long weeks just made our meeting and home coming that much sweeter. Would I have given anything to bring our sweet girl home in record time? Sure! But, for reasons I may never completely understand, Amelia needed to be in Seoul for those extra weeks soaking up all her birth country had to offer her.

For the next week, I'll be taking a trip down memory lane. Back to the long plane rides, back to the vibrant city of Seoul, back to holding our sweet Amelia for the very first time, and back to the magical moment when we united our children and became a family of four . I'll admit to being an emotional person to begin with, and when it comes to my children and the road that led us to them, my emotions are at an all time high. How can I not be emotional and eternally grateful that life has allowed me these two amazing, precious children? We are so blessed!


Kris Greer said...

Amelia is so very, very precious and a such a gift to all of us. We're so blessed to be related to this little sweetie pie girl!!! WE LOVE YOU, AMELIA! I vividly remember when your parents got that travel call ... we all cried tears of joy. Time to come home to your family! We could hardly wait to hug you!!!!!