We're lucky enough to have Jeff home from work until after New Years so we're planning to fill our schedule with lots of fun activities! Many of the things I do with Amelia and Graham during the day, Jeff misses out on. He doesn't get to go to see the animal shows at the zoo with us, he doesn't get to splash in water room at the Children's Museum with us, and he doesn't get to crawl on his hands and knees through tunnels at the indoor park. This week, that will all change though. Welcome Jeff, to stay-at-home parenting!
Today, we made a visit to the zoo. Our first stop was the dolphin stadium to watch the dolphins train for the aquatic shows. Amelia was having an "I'm afraid of fish day" but Graham was thoroughly impressed with the jumping dolphins and the occasional dolphin who would leave the trainer and come splash the audience.
The zoo has a monorail that we've often watched as it slowly moves across the tracks and today because it was too cold outside to tour the grounds on foot, we jumped on for a ride. All was going well for the first half, then things changed. Since I want to be honest about how our days play out around here, I'm guessing many will find humor in what was about to happen....Amelia has this strange habit of stuffing her mouth full of food and leaving it in her cheeks. Today, her mouth was full of orange slices and it was still full when we boarded the monorail. Amelia was enjoying the ride on her Daddy's lap when she suddenly threw up. She's got an unusually light gag reflex and I guess those oranges became too much for her! I immediately began digging through the bag looking for something to wipe up both Amelia and Jeff. The only thing I had was an extra change of clothes for Graham, after all, you can't be too careful with a newly potty-trained toddler. So, in front of a train car full of people, I proceeded to wipe Amelia's face off with a pair of Thomas underpants...I can laugh about it now, but at the time, it was anything but funny. Jeff was covered, Amelia was covered, and the the enclosed car without circulation really STUNK! Hopefully, Amelia is done stuffing her mouth full of oranges! Like I said before, Welcome Jeff, to stay-at-home parenting!
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