Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Superhero Kids

Both Amelia and Graham have this 'thing' for capes. They loves to take the kitchen towels, stick them into the back of their shirt collars and run around in circles pretending to fly. To be completely honest, this drives me crazy. As the kids decide they're ready to forgo the capes and flying for walking, the towels are discarded in the most random of places making it difficult for me to find them. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and get them the real deal. I custom ordered two superhero capes and was just waiting for the right opportunity to present them. Being that last night was the 8th and final night of Hanukkah, I thought it was the perfect occasion. The instant the Amelia and Graham had the capes around their neck, their bodies became infused with energy. I don't know what it is about these capes, but they are certainly a hit around our house!
Graham was just starting to realize what he was holding...

Modeling the capes

And they're action shot as they take the first of many, many, many laps around the house last night!


Patty Lucken said...

Adorable! You can just see the excitement in their eyes and bodies in the last picture especially!!