Sunday, November 8, 2009

Swimming Lessons!

Amelia and Graham had their first swimming lesson of the season on Saturday. We already know Graham loves the pool, but we weren't sure what Amelia would think. Really, depending on the day, her opinion could have gone either way. Turns out, Jeff and I are the proud parents of two little fish! All four of us got into the pool (they're parent-and-me lessons) and Amelia immediately began to giggle and she didn't stop until we got out of the water 30 minutes later. She was by far the youngest in the class, but she sure wasn't the most timid. Amelia showed absolutely no fear, even jumping off the side of the pool into my arms, going completely under water and coming up saying "WOW!" with a smile on her face.

I have no good explanation for her ensemble...we were getting ready to leave for the pool and she was dragging her boots around. I put them on her and she looked quite pleased with herself!

Getting ready to get into the pool

The only picture I actually have from class-since both Jeff and I had to be in the water, there was no photographer. I did jump out of the pool quickly to snap this picture though. I needed at least one photo, from Amelia's first swimming lesson!