Thursday, September 24, 2009

Amelia goes to school....week 2

Unfortunately, week 2 of school didn't go so well for Amelia. She cried immediately upon stepping foot in the classroom. I carried her around for a while trying to peak her interest in painting (she HATED it) and various toys. She decided that playing with the dolls was probably worth leaving my arms for-at least for a few minutes. When it was time for a snack, the children gathered around the table and the moms (and 1 dad) went to the other end of the room. I didn't get very far because Amelia reminded me with her blood curdling screams that she was not ok with that arrangement. So, Amelia spent the next hour happily sitting on my lap. With time, I know that she'll become comfortable with the teachers and classroom, but until then, I think I'm going to have a little buddy at school.

Feeding her baby

Grocery shopping with baby...Amelia loved this doll because the eyes open and close

Graham would be so ticked off if he saw this picture! Last year, Graham staked his claim on this very 'bus' and I'm not sure what he would think of Amelia giving it a whirl!