Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Two Months

Exactly two months ago, a brave little girl waited at Incheon International Airport to board a plane and fly home. Two months ago, Amelia left behind everything familiar to her and she wasn't even old enough to understand that she was leaving. As we slowly made our way through the jetway and onto the plane, I wondered what Amelia was looking at and would she have any memory of her last few moments in Korea. Sure, she'll be back someday, but never as a Korean citizen and never without the understanding of why she left the country of her birth only to start over with her with her family in the United States. Jeff and I have vowed to be the bridge to Korea for both Amelia and Graham. Years from now, when they're old enough to process the complexities of international adoption, social stigma's that still exist in modern Korean culture, and we as parents are confident that both of them are confident in their own self-worth, we'll be there to take them back to Korea and show them with pride the country that allowed our family to be united.

April 2, 2009 Incheon International Airport

So here we are, two months after Amelia started over, and her adjustment has been nothing short of amazing! Sure, she had some serious sleep issues after coming home, but in the grand scheme of things those few weeks are so minor. We now have an amazingly happy, affectionate, SMILEY girl who loves her big brother Graham, Mommy, Daddy, and even Annie the dog. When Graham first came home I often found myself marveling at the miracle of adoption. It seemed like a true miracle to me that we were united with our son from the other side of the world. Now, after having gone through the process a second time, I am again in awe. Although it's only been two months since Amelia joined our family, it's hard to remember life without her. She acts as if she's been with us forever! We are so lucky to have the privilege to call Amelia our daughter!

June 2, 2009 - HOME!