Monday, May 11, 2009

A trip to the lake...

This past Saturday, Amelia made her first trip up to the lake. Since we drove up north and back home all in the same day it was a very quick trip that unfortunately involved quite a lot of car time. Jeff was lucky enough to get to help put the dock in the water on that blustery, rainy spring day which was the reason for our trip in the first place. Graham was pretty ticked off as he watched the boys in the him it looked like they were swimming and playing with 'big sticks' and he certainly didn't want to miss out. Amelia obviously had no idea what was going on, but she enjoyed exploring and playing with an entirely new set of toys. Now, if only the weather would warm up because we're all more than ready for our lazy, warm days on the boat!!!

Trying out Graham's rocking chair. Judging by Graham's reaction, I think another chair needs to make an appearance

Who says you have to wait until your first birthday to have a cupcake? We were celebrating my Mom's great, fantastic, and wonderful news at Mayo last week and we couldn't leave Amelia out by not offering her a dessert too!

Amelia and her Daddy

Amelia and Mommy