This weekend, I had the privilege of standing up for my good friend Sara in her wedding. The wedding took place at St. Olaf which was the perfect opportunity to introduce Amelia to her future institute of higher learning. Hopefully, in 17 years :), both Graham and Amelia will be living the fantastic life of an Ole on the hill so Jeff and I always love the chance to take them around campus. Both Amelia and Graham did a fantastic job sitting through the beautiful ceremony. The highlight for both of them though was having a quick visit with Sara before she walked down the aisle. Sara is dearly loved by both of our kids. In fact, Graham usually greets her with a giant "Sara! Hooray!" I don't know too many brides who would welcome two toddlers into the brides room just minutes before the biggest moment in her life. Sara sure is a special friend to all of us!
Congratulations Sara and Chris!!! Your wedding was just gorgeous and we couldn't be happier for you!!!
After the ceremony, I thought it was the perfect time for us to get a nice family picture. We were all dressed up and the kids were in good moods, so I was hopeful that something would work. As you can see, successfully getting a family photo with two young children is quite the challenge. But you can't say that we didn't give it a really good shot!