Monday, April 6, 2009

A real update...

I've got a bit of time, so here is the much awaited update....

The flight home went better than expected. Amelia wasn't happy, but she was no where near as upset as Graham was. For much of our journey home, and even the first few days home, Amelia seemed to be understandably in shock. We were told in Korea that she is a very happy, playful girl, so we were waiting to see even a glimmer of that personality. Yesterday, she appeared to open up a bit, and we got to see her smile and really laugh for the first time which was so much fun!

As far as sleeping goes, nobody in our house is getting much of it. Amelia HATES her crib and becomes hysterical if we try to transfer her from sleeping in our arms onto her mattress. She prefers to sleep directly on top of somebody. This is how it was done in Korea, so that's what she is expecting each time she goes to sleep. Only then, will she sleep for 90 minutes at a time...I know that this extreme level of exhaustion is only a temporary thing and with time, as Amelia becomes more comfortable with us and we're able to build her trust will she sleep more peacefully.

Amelia is a fantastic eater which is such a treat! Getting a single jar of baby food into Graham was a real battle, so this is is a nice change. The only thing that makes me sad, is that she really doesn't seem to enjoy her bottles, and selfishly, I love the cuddle time that a bottle allows! She'll guzzle them down in the middle of the night when she's half asleep, but during the day she could care less. I'm thinking this might have something to do with her jet lag. With Korea being 14 hours ahead of us, and Amelia being used to drinking her bottles during the day, her body could still be adjusting.

Graham is doing as well as can be expected. He's extra clingy right now as he seems to believe that I'm going to disappear again for a week. That, and the fact that when I did finally return from Korea, I brought a baby with me, has him acting out a bit. We've instituted a sticker chart for him with the hopes that if he feels like he's working towards something it might encourage him to follow directions a bit more often. Currently, he's only three stickers away from a popsicle! :)

That's about it from our house right now. As we become more organized around here and more efficient at handling our two mobile children, I'll be more diligent at updating the blog on a regular basis. We're beyond thrilled to finally have our little princess home with us and I can't wait to share more stories of our 'new' life!

Happy Amelia!

Amelia loves this toy phone. The problem, is that Graham also loves this toy phone...

Since Amelia hates her crib, we've started having a bit of play time in there. A bunch of toys and Graham kept her distracted for 10 minutes and then she wanted out. Small steps...

They're actually looking at a book together. Too bad this peaceful interaction only lasted about 30 seconds!