Thursday, March 5, 2009

Our update for the week...

Here's the short version of the update: We've probably got another 2 weeks to go. If you'd like details, keep reading...

Yesterday morning, Jeff called the Embassy bright and early hoping for good news. He again got the same response I've been hearing for close to a month now-no visa interview scheduled. Then, later in the day I checked the message board for our agency and was not happy with what I saw. Several people were writing about further delays. That news, in combination with the lack of news from the Embassy was all it took to send my mind spinning. I made the decision that before I let myself come up with all sorts of crazy scenarios of when Amelia will be home, that I should go straight to the source of information and contact our agency. After further thought, thanks to my very emotional state, I realized that Jeff was probably the best person to make that call.

This morning Jeff called and gained a better understanding of what is actually happening right now. One of the Korea staff members from our agency is actually in Seoul right now helping to sort things out. Yes, there was a backlog in Korea, and yes, they're currently working their way through it. Yes, families are being further delayed, but we're still not expected to be affected. Our agency states a 10-14 week wait for travel call after referral. With Graham we waited 9 weeks, so we were hopeful we would again sail quickly through the paperwork. We're currently in our 12th week of waiting, and Jeff was told that things are moving and we should expect to travel within the normal time frame. Here's the proof that things are the past week, our agency has been able to call 12 different families and tell them to go to Korea!!!! We are currently #7 on the list of families waiting. Sooooooooo, it will be our turn soon, it may not feel soon enough, but our turn is coming.

I'm trying very hard to see the silver lining in this wait that feels never ending. Amelia is on my mind constantly and I wonder how she spends her days. It's hard to accept the fact that I'm the mother of two children, one who lives with me, and one who lives a world away and I've yet to lay eyes on. I am taking solace in the fact that she feels none of this anxiety and stress that comes along with this stage of the adoption process.

So, now back to waiting...


Kelly Good said...

I'm so sorry to hear it's probably going to be a little while longer but I hope there is some comfort in finally getting some answers as to why. Let me know what I can do to make these next few weeks truly fly by for you!!