Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Not feeling the sermon...

When I picked Amelia up from school today, one of the teachers pulled me aside. She waited until Amelia was out of ear shot and began to tell me a funny story. Keep in mind that Amelia is very quiet at school, so the fact that she said chose to speak up, surprised me, let alone what she asked for! Apparently, the children's Pastor came into the classroom today to give a children's sermon. I guess Amelia wasn't really feeling it today, because she politely asked "Can we please talk about 'Little House on the Prairie' instead? Or, 'Wizard of Oz' is OK, too!" I guess I know what her favorite books are!
This picture has nothing to do with the story, but what is a blog post without a picture, right? We were out walking and I asked the kids to turn around for a picture. On their own, they struck this pose! They sure do love each other! Currently, one of my favorite parts of the day, is watching the kids say good-bye to each other when Graham gets on the school bus (big hugs) and when Graham and I arrive to pick up Amelia from school (even BIGGER hugs)!