Sunday, February 28, 2010

Donut Holes

A favorite treat around our house are donut holes. It's the perfect portion for a toddler and best of all, according to the '3 and Under Group' is that when you eat a donut hole, you're not required to share it. We happen to have some in the house today and when we called out for Amelia that we had a treat for her, she came running, literally, to see what we had for her. As you can tell from the pictures, she enjoyed her treat immensely!

"This better be good!"

The entire thing, gone in just two bites!

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Just an average Saturday afternoon spent with Superhero Graham and Cowgirl Amelia

Have you ever seen a cuter cowgirl?

Friday, February 26, 2010

Winter Walk

Today the weather was beautiful, at least by Minnesota winter standards. The temperature came close to 30 degrees, which meant it was the perfect evening for a walk! Graham and Amelia were bundled up with a blanket for their laps and off we went towards the neighborhood Starbucks. Although the weather did feel warm compared to what we've been experiencing, a warm treat at Starbucks was a welcomed treat. Amelia enjoyed her first chocolate milk in a juice box style container and Graham enjoyed his first Starbucks kids hot chocolate. They sure were proud of their beverages-Amelia having something she's only seen Graham have and Graham was extremely thrilled to have a cup that matched Mommy and Daddy's!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The stomach flu...

The three of us are once again spending a low key day at home. This time, it's not by choice though, it's because the stomach flu is invading. Our day has consisted of multiple episodes of Caillou and Little Einsteins and a little bit of the movie Cars thrown in for good measure for the kids, and multiple loads of laundry for me. Currently, Graham is the only one suffering the nasty symptoms, and I'm desperately trying to remain positive and hope it stays that way. It's nearly impossible to keep these two apart though, so I suppose only time will tell. I'm going to think positive thoughts, and hope that Graham wakes up from his nap feeling much better and Amelia never succumbs to the stomach bug.

I suggested to Amelia and Graham that they watch their TV shows from their tent. They thought it was fantastic and really nice of me to offer this (Graham thanked me repeatedly!). Little did they know though, I had ulterior motives. If Graham threw up, I wanted it to be on the washable tent and NOT on the carpet!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Our day at home...

Today, we didn't leave the house once. I made sure that the day was wide open and let Amelia and Graham take the lead. Graham chose to wake up early and watch Mickey Mouse in bed with me while I struggled to open my eyes, and Amelia chose to sleep until 10:00 and have a light brunch. Graham then told me he wanted to bake Christmas cookies with "lots and lots of frosting!" but the compromise ended up being oatmeal raisin cookies. In typical Amelia fashion, she was perfectly content in her highchair snacking on raisins while she waited for the mixing to be completed so she could have her prized beater! The rest of our day was spent building big ships with blocks (Graham) and carrying around dolls and the necessary accessories (Amelia). It was a much needed, and fun day, of just spending time together and not having to worry about a schedule.

One baby isn't enough anymore...

If the budding artists can't see each other, they can't fight! :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mama is Back!

Last night I arrived home from spending a few extremely relaxing days cruising around the Bahamas with my Mom. Although I loved every minute of my vacation, the kids and Jeff were never far from my thoughts and when the time came to leave the cruise ship, it was like a switch went off in my head, and I was more than ready to head home to my babies! After a stressful travel day (a canceled flight, a late flight which led to a missed connecting flight, then a delayed flight that finally got me home) the squeals of happiness and giant grins that Amelia and Graham wore when they saw me reminded me that I really do have the best job in the world! We jumped right back into our normal schedule today and we headed to school, but I could tell that what the kids really wanted was to just stay home and play with me. So, tomorrow, that's what we'll do. We're going to stay home and play and make up for four days of lost cuddles and stories with's going to be a great day!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day Four: And we made it!

Today was the last day of the four day dada-weekend. Admittedly Friday was tough but each day got easier...which doesn't mean less tiring, but I built up some confidence along the way. It also helped that before Melissa left, she told me all of her 'tricks' to help the day run smooth.

Nope, not a picture from lunch. Dada had Amelia all ready for the day in black fur boots, a leopard dress, and a big hair bow for breakfast. Let's just pretend I didn't have to plan 10 minutes in advance how I was going to pull this one off.

After breakfast it was off to Cub as I realized we were out of bread (which I forgot to buy), juice, pancakes and fruit. They were great at the store....mostly because of the sucker they got when we walked through the door!

"Hi Mama, we're robots!" Some quick arts and crafts so the groceries could get put away.

Amelia is such an affectionate girl. "Come here Graham!"

Haha! My kissing robots

"Here Dada. I love macaroni and the spoon is just slowing me down!"

Long travel story short, Melissa ended up on a flight that landed at 835PM. Kids all bundled up in their car seats to go get mama!

We promised ice cream for dessert today...back when Melissa was suppose to land at 430PM. Instead we all sat down at just after 9!

In Amelia's lap is the octopus Melissa got her as a gift. Amelia then ran off to find/show Millie the 'oc-o-pus.' Doesn't Millie look excited!
Four days, twelve meals and eight nap/bedtime routines later I am exhausted. Tomorrow I'm heading back to the 'easy' job where nobody pokes other people in the eye or screams at others over a pen. However, I'm going to miss it. I wouldn't have thought it on Friday, but I absolutely loved doing this. I truly checked out of work for four days and got to focus on what is really important in life. I also have a better/deeper understanding of just how much work and love Melissa pours into our children.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day Three: Adventuring beyond the house

Having mastered (okay sure an exaggeration, but we're all still alive) the day here at the home...home with visitors, we decided to go out for the afternoon and not just 5 minutes away to Costco. Good thing I had a few days under my belt because Miss Amelia woke up between 815-820.

What a breakfast...pancakes, milk and a giant red hair bow!

Not use to having both up before 9, I improvised in order to get the kitchen clean. Little did I know how 'traumatic' it would be once 'sticker time' was over.

I was proud that Amelia climbed up to join Graham in the chair (he's proud too, just on the inside). However, more impressive is that nobody pushed, poked, sat on, scratched, screamed....basically there was a treaty for a few minutes to read books. Just kidding, the two of them have gotten along really well.

At lunch Graham 'needed' to swap sandwiches...interesting as our meals were identical. However, by his 'eating noises' you would think mine was made of lobster

This one is for mama! Second bow of the day, but what is that on her feet? Dada is getting the hang of this and has Amelia in a pair of Uggs. Admittedly pretty proud of myself.

For the afternoon/dinner we went over to visit Amy, Dave & Alex. They were kind enough to take in this tired dada with two little ones. All the kids playing in sensory table.
It's been an awesome three days with the kids, but SOOO happy that mama is coming back tomorrow.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day Two: Return of the hair bow

I too noticed yesterday that a certain hair 'necessity' was missing from Amelia. Today Amelia woke up right on schedule....if you consider waking up at 930 on time!! As it's only day two of dada-weekend we stayed home in the morning, but Uncle Peter and Grandpa came by in the afternoon to say hello. Amelia is still confused that I am here to get her out of the crib but Graham usually comes flying around the corner with some musical instrument.

Is she excited to see me or the bowl of Cheerios in my hand? Or maybe because the hair bow is back.

Graham 'helping' her play his guitar as she finishes breakfast....if you look close he is holding her hand so she plays it 'really gentle Me-ya-ya'

Suddenly around the corner came 'Fireman Doctor' marching to a LOUD beat.

SUCCESS!!! By 10:10 both kids were fed and the kitchen was clean. Well success in dada-world anyway!

As I was taking the picture of the clock I realized I could hear running water. In the bathroom were my two little dentists. Apparently the child-proof latches are no match for these two. (The bathroom door is now closed 100% of the time unless needed)

After breakfast it was gift time from mama. Look Amelia has a different hair bow on vs. breakfast....trying to be like mama.

At lunch time Uncle Peter came over. Graham LOVES anything to do with Peter, especially his sunglasses.

'Olson & Olson Engineering' has brought another member to the team

Uncle Peter patiently building rockets. Amelia is running through the kitchen at this point with a rocket!

For dinner dada took the easy road and headed off to Costco. Both kids did a wonderful job, so they each get their own cup of ice cream!!! Okay, they were messy but I did remember the bibs.
Starting the get the hang of things now and I think I might make it to 10pm tonight. I can't remember the last time I was this tired. The kids definitely miss mama, but we're staying busy and individual ice cream cups definitely help.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Day One: And we're off!

Today was the first day of stay-at-home dada. As this was the first time that mama was not going to be around I decided to keep it low key and play here. As usual Amelia woke up around 9 and was excited to see Graham pop into her room...but was surprised to see me in the doorway. Day One with two kids was now in full swing.

Don't worry, Amelia's breakfast consisted of more than a can of mandarin oranges. She also ate a bowel of cereal and a slice of toast. Amelia showing off her fork skills.

We spent most of the morning upstairs building everything from a pressure washer, to a screwdriver (that was taken away quickly), to a plane. Here is a picture of 'Olson & Olson Engineering'

As I was making dinner I heard them singing, "Ring around the rosie...." However I don't think the next line of, "Spin faster Me-ya-ya...faster...FASTER!" is in the original version.


Not to worry, two seconds later the song began again. This went on until dinner was ready.

Day One ended with the movie Cars and the kids favorite treat = Popcorn. The popcorn boxes are care of mama and the wonderful gifts she left the kids for each day that she is gone.
It is now 930 and I am wiped out. I always knew Melissa worked hard...but playing with kids, being the family referee, cooking dinner, cleaning up all while getting 'action' shots of the little ones is draining. That said, I had an amazing time today and we are blessed with wonderful children. Now with Day One in the books, this tired dada is off to bed

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The adventure begins...

Tomorrow begins an adventure for Daddy Jeff...3 nights and 4 days of single parenting! I'm taking a short vacation to soak up some sun with my Mom so Daddy Jeff is being left in charge! Jeff asked me how to update the blog and after leaving written instructions on how to do so, I'm sure he'll be able to whip out lengthy entries full of pictures-that is if he has enough energy to do so once the kids are asleep each night! :) If you're reading while I'm away, don't forget to leave the stay-at-home Daddy lots of encouraging comments! :)

The man in charge...we'll see if he's still smiling come Monday! :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

More Breakfast Silliness

I've heard more laughter than fighting between Amelia and Graham lately, and breakfast this morning was no exception. Like usual, Amelia started her day very late (at least by Graham's standards) and walked around the kitchen pleading "Eat! Eat!" as I quickly worked to prepare her breakfast. Once Amelia was seated in her highchair, Graham, like usual, was eager to pull a chair right up to her. Sometimes he makes silly faces at Amelia just to get a reaction, sometimes he quietly looks at a book, and sometimes he helps her eat. Regardless of what he's doing, Graham likes to be in very close proximity to Amelia when she finally wakes up for the day. Today, Graham chose to feed Amelia, and Amelia was happy to accept the help!

Amelia is more than able to hold her own cup, but today she let Graham hold it for her

Because Graham was being kind, Amelia returned the favor by offering some of her toast

Silly kids!

I should also note that the 'outfit' Graham is wearing is his standard uniform these days. He's not ready for the day until he's wearing his fireman hat, yellow rain jacket, red superhero cape, and cowboy boots. :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Playing Doctor

Playing 'doctor' is still a favorite game around our house. Graham is always the doctor and Amelia is always the very willing and cheerful patient. I think Amelia just likes, no LOVES, to be included. Any time Graham seeks her out for a game, she's thrilled and does exactly what he asks of her. I wonder if Graham will be so willing when Amelia learns enough words to invite him to a doll tea party?!?!

You can't tell, but Graham is using a bristle block as an otoscope. Why Amelia is happy to have that shoved into her ear is beyond me....

Checking to make sure Amelia's feet are in good working order

I like to call this the 'crazy chiropractor'. I wish I understood what was going on here. Graham was very focused on his work and Amelia remained still like her back actually needed to be worked on.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day from our little sweathearts!