Friday, January 30, 2009

The next step...

Ever since we received our I600 approval, I've had the ability to track our progress. Even with the name error, we've technically had approval since 1/21 but I managed to hold off checking on things until today. The next step is for our paperwork to be logged in, then out, of the National Visa Center. When I called the NVC this afternoon, I was hoping to at least hear we've been logged in, but I heard better. Not only have we been logged in, but as of 1/28, we've also been logged out! That means, that the next stop for our paperwork is the US Embassy in Seoul! If you look at our checklist of what has to happen before Amelia can come home, you'll see that we're on #5 out of 7. AND, step #7 is that we get the phone call telling us she's ready to travel! When we got our call for Graham, I answered the phone early one morning and heard "Melissa, go get your boy!!!!" I have goosebumps thinking about that moment, and can't wait until I'm told "Melissa, go get your girl!!!"

Things on the US Government side of the process have been moving right along. But, I got confirmation this morning from our agency that there is a major backlog in the portion of the Korean government that deals with adoption. We were told not to expect this to slow us down though, and that when the time comes to really wrap things up for us, that hopefully things will be moving at a normal speed again. So, our family could use all the good thoughts, vibes, prayers, whatever it is you do, sent our way....actually if you could direct them to Seoul and the government, and of course Amelia too, that would be greatly appreciated!


Kelly Good said...

Get to making those lists of what to pack, Graham's instructions, etc because I just know you're going to get that call even sooner than you expect!! We hope to be meeting Amelia in the next few weeks!!